Sunday, June 13, 2010

Devil's Tower

This is Devil's Tower from where I slept. We spent the night in the Prius. It was cold and rainy outside, which isn't great for tenting. The Prius was very comfy. All of our stuff fit in the front seats, and we had room to stretch out on our sleeping pads and were toasty warm in our sleeping bags. We'll be doing that again, I think. We're heading into bear country, and I want more between me and a bear than just a tent.

I love that this trip is my Dad's 15th trip around the country and he still sees things he's never seen before. Today, his firsts were a rattlesnake and Devil's Tower. These were first for me too.

I'm not scared of snakes or spiders or most bugs - just bees, and gas pumps. Dad has taken on pumping gas as his job. THANK YOU DAD! I've never gotten a gas pump to work anyway, so it's quicker and less of a hassle if he does it anyway. At home, Mike is very good about making sure my gas tank is full. Yay!

The soil here is a mix of the usual grays and tans, but also has a brilliant red clay that is striking to look at. This a picture of Devil's Tower rising above some of the different soil types.

Nearby is a Prairie Dog village. I thought taking a picture of a prairie dog was supposed to be hard work, but these guys were very good at posing for a picture. I took a bunch of pictures, but I liked this little guy best. They are super cute.

We took a stroll around the base of Devil's Tower (1.3 miles) with Mary Ellen and Karen. Here is a picture of me!

And Mary Ellen.

And Karen - who just sat down like this in a perfect picture pose!

And here is Dad. There is a pretty valley below Devil's Tower - that is what you see behind him.

We're off to Bighorn Canyon and Yellowstone today! Wyoming has a lot of hills and fields, and not much else that I've seen. Serene. I might be out of touch while I'm there. At least we have a beautiful sunny day today. A lot of rain yesterday, again. And we're off.


  1. I actually take issue with part of this post since I know for a FACT that you are also scared of sleeping chickens. No seriously people - you can't make this stuff up!

  2. OH - that is so much better. Although the picture of dad appears to be missing...
    AND THE PRAIRIE DOG IS AMAZING! I LOVE THEM! That just made my day...

  3. Actually, chickens in a coop scare me - awake or sleeping. They are too unpredictable.
